The Spiral of Rebirth

Our journey through The Spiral of Rebirth takes place over the 3 days of Imbolc and the 2/2

Portal. Imbolc marks the first stirrings of spring- then rising and emerging of the seeds

planted and nurtured during our inner winter. It is the sign of the new that is to be. The 2/2

Gateway amplifies these energies, It is a portal of power where we are called to dream our

reality into existence, to step fully into our rebirth, and to express our illuminated essence.

The Spiral of Rebirth is an invitation to rise from the ashes of what once was and step

boldly into your reclaimed power, vision, and truth. Guided by the sacred wisdom of the

phoenix, the divine Gold Priestesses, and the elemental fire of renewal, this journey beckons

you to remember who you are at your core.

Through this spiral, you will explore the interplay of destruction and creation, integrating

the lessons of past cycles to birth a new chapter with clarity, strength, and purpose.

Our journey with The Spiral of Rebirth connects you to –

The Gold Feminine Goddesses- The goddesses of the Gold Path- Sophia, Isis, Bridgid, Anna-

Grandmother of Jesus, guide us toward illumination, offering their wisdom as torches along

the way

Animal Medicine: The Phoenix- Rising from the ashes of destruction, the phoenix teaches

us that rebirth is not about returning to what was but transforming into something entirely

new. The phoenix’s fiery wings remind us of the power within to soar beyond limitation,

embodying light and freedom.

Astrological Alignment: Align your rebirth journey with the fiery cosmic energies of

  •  Aries: The energy of initiation, courage, and the bold pursuit of new beginnings.

  •  Leo: The illumination of the self, the creative force, and the heart’s radiant power.

  •  Sagittarius: The visionary archetype, guiding us toward higher truths and expansive horizons.

Themes of exploration in The Spiral of Rebirth

  •  Embrace Renewal: Step into the new with confidence, leaving behind the old versions of yourself that no longer serve your soul’s growth.

  •  Phoenix Medicine: Activate the alchemical power of the phoenix, rising stronger and more radiant from life’s challenges.

  •  Reclaim Your Vision: Reconnect with your soul’s purpose, igniting your passions and aligning with your highest path.

  •  Sacred Feminine Empowerment: Work with the Gold Priestesses—Sophia, Brigid, and Isis—to embody wisdom, courage, and divine illumination.

  •  Cycles of Reclamation: Honour the wisdom of previous spirals, integrating their lessons as you birth a new chapter.

The Spiral of Rebirth is your invitation to rise, reclaim, and illuminate your truth. It is a

journey of alchemical transformation, where the fires of the past become the fuel for your

brightest future. Guided by the sacred wisdom of the Phoenix and the Gold Priestesses, you

will emerge as the radiant embodiment of your soul’s purpose.

Are you ready to rise into your highest potential? Step into The Spiral of Rebirth and

reclaim the life you were born to live.