Quantum healing
Nicky is globally revered for her gifts as a Seer and Channeller to which she has fine-tuned with razor like sharpness. She brings clarity and healing to core issues and soul learning themes; unveiling limiting beliefs and programmes that are holding you in lower timelines of density and distortion, in order to awaken and align you to your pure Soul potential and purpose. As a multidimensional eternal being you are here to walk the path of ascension.

During sessions Nicky integrates her gifts of healing techniques, Light language transmissions, plant medicine and sound therapy, as she works from the zero point within your quantum field to deconstruct timelines, templates, and releasing trauma and distortions that are not in alignment with your highest purpose.
As a Template Keeper and Blueprint Coder, new templates and timelines are coded into your field. This helps facilitates healing, balance, and alignment to your field, activating dormant DNA, gifts, and ancient wisdom to help you integrate aspects and fragments of your soul through the process of remembrance, expansion, and wholeness allowing you to be fully present and embodied in your Divinity.
There are two time options available for this service - a 90 min or 120min session. The difference being that the longer session (120min) offers a deeper immersive process where the space is opened with a Cacao ceremony, plant medicines and activating a crystal grid to hold your healing intentions within their highest timeline.
Light Language is channelled from Source and known as Source Language, an Eternal Language. It activates within your unconscious the keys and codes of your Divine Blueprint aligning you to your agreed soul evolution path. These tonal frequencies and light-wave codes transmute the density and distortion within your field, speaking directly in a language recognisable and understandable to your Soul, a message to awaken remembrance and expansion.
90 minutes
Experience the profound healing of alignment and expansion in your ascension journey
120 minutes
Immerse yourself in this inward journey of clarity, wisdom and profound healing

“ I saw Nicky because I felt creatively blocked, and was seeking to feel a sense of flow and purpose in my life. I knew from the first session that she was for me. I felt seen, heard and held. In fact my soul was dancing, because I finally felt recognised for who I was. The effect of this alone has been immeasurable. I feel much more spiritually aware. I'm able to navigate my life with much more ease now, because I finally recognise my own wholeness. My confidence has grown - I got more than I originally went to her for!.”
-A.R from Australia