About Me

Hello lovely ones I am Nicky. That’s it! Just plain and simply, Nicky. A wise one with a big heart and a bit of a potty mouth, who likes to keep things simple and down to earth.

In my multidimensionality, I am a Quantum Field Integrator, a Comsic Weaver, a Template Keeper, a Blueprint Coder, a Seer, a Channellor, a Medicine Woman, a High Priestess, a Ceremonialist, a Therapist, and a Teacher of Divine Embodiment, Consciousness, Sacred Geometry, Womb Healing and other Mystery school teachings.

I have been working globally for close to 3 decades, weaving my wisdom, gifts, and knowledge of Holistic Therapies and Quantum Healing to help your remembrance and expansion within your soul evolutionary journey.

I channel sacred geometry, light language, and light codes transmissions which are weaved and coded into the Divine Blueprint template. This helps release trauma, emotional, mental, and physical imbalances and distortions carried within field, brining healing to the nervous system which facilitates safe, embodied connection with your body. 

As a Heart-led, trauma-informed therapist, I hold a safe space within 1-2-1 sessions, ceremonies, and containers, to allow individuals to heal at a deeper level as they are guided back into sacred union and wholeness with themselves.

I came into this life with remembrance of many lives and gifts, as well as a knowing of what the path ahead was going to bring. I would get premonitions and intuitively know how to do hands on healing.

This of course was extremely challenging as I did not have a family and community that understood or supported this. While the world felt scary to me, I found so much peace, security and comfort within my inner knowing and inner connection.

 I learned how to mask my spiritual side when with others. I could see the world was not accepting me or my gifts, so I learnt very quickly to temper them down. This helped me feel safe in the world and it helped me feel "accepted" by others.

In my early 20s, I began searching to understand the essence of my soul and my purpose in this life. Eventually I discovered that it doesn’t have to be labelled as anything. The labels where a restriction because it was more that words could describe. So, I gave up on trying to understand in a way that the world tried to define it and me.

 I’ve learned to trust the listening of the wisdom of my soul and the codes that my soul carries. To this day, I continue to source from within the wisdom and guidance that is needed for my soul’s evolutionary progress. I read a lot and study often, but I always return to within first,  then source outwards for deeper understanding should it be needed.

Life has not come without its challenges, and I have experienced-healed-and continue to heal from complex trauma. I did not believe all the things the Dr’s told me I would never be or could ever have. If I had, my life would be very different, and I would be very different to who I am now.

I dedicated myself to my healing, and I am my own walking miracle and my own masterpiece. Every day I choose to align myself with my true potential, and shatter the beliefs this world told me to have, and create new realities for myself

I believe healing is possible, but we need to learn how to truly heal.

When I work with clients, I see them the same way I always saw myself.

As someone who could heal

As someone who was fixable

As someone who was worthy of healing

As someone who was healing

And as someone who was already healed.

To truly heal, we have to go within and connect to the Guru within, this is my philosophy. This is what I teach and what I hold as a template for every client. I will not heal you, but I will show you how to re-Source that healing and wholeness from within.